Prefix Sum For 2D Array (Prefix Sum Of Matrix)

Prefix Sum For 2D Array - Compute Prefix Sum For two Dimensional Array(Prefix Sum Of Matrix).

Given a 2-Dimensional array of integers array[R][C], where R and are dimensions of the array (Row and Column). Find prefix sum 2d array for it.

Let Prefix sum 3d array be prefix[R][C]Here prefix[i][j]  gives sum of all integers between  prefix[0][0] and prefix[i][j] (including both).



array[R][C] = {{2222},

given 4x4 size 2-Dimensional  array


prefix sum is:
2 4 6 8
4 8 12 16
6 12 18 24
8 16 24 32

Prefix Sum For 2d Array

Image for formula creation.


Explanation of formula:

Consider the above image for the formula explanation. if we want to find prefix sum value in a white cell, we have to add the prefix sum of neighbor orange cells and subtract red cells to remove overlappings.

Step 0: 

Fill array[0] = prefix[0]

Step 1:

Fill first row and column using prefix sum for 1d array.

check this here for 1d prefix sum: prefix sum for 1d array

Step 2:

Fill all remaining cells using the formula discussed above.


prefix[i][j] = array[i][j]
             + prefix[i - 1][j] 
             + prefix[i][j - 1
             - prefix[i - 1][j - 1];


C++ Implementation:

// C++ Program to find prefix sum of 2d array
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Declaring size of the array
#define R 4 // Rows
#define C 4 // Columns

// Calculating prefix sum
void prefixSum2d(int array[R][C])
    int prefix[R][C];
    // Step 0:
    prefix[0][0] = array[0][0];

    // Step 1: Filling the first row and column
    // using prefix sum for 1d array
    for (int i = 1i < C; i++)
        prefix[0][i] = prefix[0][i - 1] + array[0][i];

    for (int i = 1i < R; i++)
        prefix[i][0] = prefix[i - 1][0] + array[i][0];

    // Step 2: Filling value in remaining cells
    // using formula
    for (int i = 1i < R; i++)
        for (int j = 1j < C; j++)
            prefix[i][j] = array[i][j]
                         + prefix[i - 1][j
                         + prefix[i][j - 1
                         - prefix[i - 1][j - 1];

    // Displaying final prefix sum of array
    cout << "prefix sum is:" << endl;
    for (int i = 0i < R; i++)
        for (int j = 0j < C; j++)
            cout << prefix[i][j<< " ";
        cout << "\n";

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    int array[R][C] = {{2222},

    return 0;

2d prefix sum in cpp

Python Implementation:

# python Program to find prefix sum of 2d array

# Declaring size of the array
R = 4 # Rows
C = 4 # Columns

# Calculating prefix sum
def prefixSum2d(array):
    prefix = [[0 for a in range(R)] 
                for b in range(C)]
    # Step 0:
    prefix[0][0] = array[0][0]

    # Step 1: Filling the first row and column
    # using prefix sum for 1d array
    for i in range(1,C):
        prefix[0][i] = prefix[0][i - 1] + array[0][i]

    for i in range(1,R):
        prefix[i][0] = prefix[i - 1][0] + array[i][0]

    # Step 2: Filling value in remaining cells
    # using formula
    for i in range(1,R):
        for j in range(1,C):
            prefix[i][j] = (array[i][j]
                         + prefix[i - 1][j] 
                         + prefix[i][j - 1
                         - prefix[i - 1][j - 1])

    # Displaying final prefix sum of array
    print("prefix sum is:")
    for i in range(R):
        for j in range(C): 
            print(prefix[i][j], end=' ')

# Driver program to test above function
array = [


2d prefix sum in python


prefix sum is:
2 4 6 8
4 8 12 16
6 12 18 24
8 16 24 32

Time Complexity: O(R*C)  

Auxiliary SpaceO(R*C)

Read more:

check this here for 3D prefix sum: prefix sum for 3D array
Find the type of Quadrilateral with given 4 points of the quadrilateral here.

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